Nov 122011

On Oct 14th, 2011, we were approved by the IRS as an 501 (c) 3 recognized Public Charity. This means that all monetary donations this year (and future years) are tax deductible for the giver. We are excited by the doors this approval will open for us and hopeful the added support will help us bring closure to those who are still looking for their loved ones.

Oct 092011

WMUR Channel 9 News Release - A Mother's Plea to Find Her Boys

Headline WMUR Channel 9 News
Still Missing-  CJ and Billy Vosseler. A Mother’s plea to find her children.

Ruth Ann Gotliebson, the mother of CJ and Billy Vosseler, just wants to know  that her sons are alive and well.  The boys were taken by  their father, Charles Vosseler, from their Rochester home when they were 2 and 3  years old. This week marks the 25 year search for her missing sons.

WMUR Channel 9 Press Release:Read more: