Child Abduction Facts in Parents magazine
William Martin Vosseler turned 28 years old this past weekend (April 21). After being abducted 25 years ago, Billy has spent many birthdays away from home. Can you help reunite him with his mom for his 29th? Please visit “how to help”
On Oct 14th, 2011, we were approved by the IRS as an 501 (c) 3 recognized Public Charity. This means that all monetary donations this year (and future years) are tax deductible for the giver. We are excited by the doors this approval will open for us and hopeful the added support will help us bring closure to those who are still looking for their loved ones.
TakeRoot.Org has been added as a link to our Resources page. TakeRoot is unique in being the only support group for abducted children formed by previous victims themselves. Their unique perspective reminds us that the wounds of abduction may take a lifetime to heal.
October 9, 2011 will mark 25 years since Ruth Vosseler’s children were abducted. Please visit the How To Help menu at the top of this page to support the search for CJ and Billy.