
Nov 122013

Maybe after 26 years in my children’s case, my title for this organization should be Never Ever Stop Looking. As a mother, it is not as if this was just a logical choice I made. It is a need. It is “mothering 101”. It does not matter how old your children are you still think about them, worry about them, miss them, dream about them… and on and on. The only conscious choice I remember involves a conversation I had with myself in the mirror shortly after they were abducted. I was looking at a face that was so devastated and full of emotional pain and fear that it barely looked like me. I realized I was so afraid that I would continue crying or start screaming and not be able to stop. I promised myself that day that I could not allow that to happen. I needed to remain in control of my emotions and fears so that I could do the things that needed to be done to find my boys. And I needed to never stop until they were found. Sometimes children are found because of an active search, sometimes is the smallest detail that prompts further research, and sometimes it is an seemingly unrelated event or that prompts diligent people to act.

The link attached concerns a young man reunited with his mother after 30 years.
Mother of Vosseler Children

 Posted by at 12:24 pm
Aug 072013

One of the victims from the decade long case in Cleveland recently visited the home she had been held captive in for so long as it was being demolished. Michelle Knight and others released dozens of balloons representing children who were abducted and not yet found. Michelle stated “Nobody was there for me when I was missing, and I want the people to know, including the mothers, that they can have strength, they can have hope, and their child will come back,”

See more at U.S.News.

Jul 182013

My how things have changed – and this time for the better!! Amber alerts and now Smart Phone notifications helped find a missing child in New York quickly.This type of technology was not available 25 years ago when my children were abducted by their father. But communication may still help. Please pass the word, pictures, stories of the Vosseler children so they might have a happy ending too. Thank you for your much needed help.
Their mother

 Posted by at 5:39 pm